Home > Goals > Requirements Catalog > Index

Click on the link to go to the first entry in the group of requirements in the Requirements Catalog.
Discussions should take place at the BetterGEDCOM Requirements Catalog page..

1 - Research Administration Information
2 - Research Task
3 - Task information
4 - Identification of persons, events, places that the task is about
5 - What to search
6 - Where to do the task
7 - Task results
8 - Objectives - for grouping of tasks
9 - Projects - for grouping of objectives
10 - Correspondence log
11 - Researchers
Characteristics (Facts)
1 -
2 - Record locations for characteristics
3 - Multiple Events & Characteristics etc
4 - Date all Characteristics
Confidence & Accuracy
1 - Support for approximately known values
2 - Levels of Confidence in Database Conclusions
3 - Universal Qualifier Symbol ("?")
4 - Document Rejected Conclusions
1 -
1 - Compatibility with GEDCOM
2 - Support for all conventional genealogical processes
6 - Transfer between one user's programs and to other users/services
7 - Independent record collections
9 - Collections of source data
1 - Approximately known dates
2 - Calendars
3 - Date phrases
1- Results from DNA tests
1 - Events with multiple people, with roles
2 - Multiple places per event
3 - Central registry of event types (and possibly other types)
4 - Events over a time period
5 - Event Classes
6 - Events as separate records
7 - Person names per event
1 - Evidence & Conclusion Model
2 - Proof Argument and/or Process
1 - Families independent of biological relations
2 - Cohabitants
1 - Data about groups of persons (eg. organisations)
1 - Support for international character sets
2 - Unicode
3 - Support for the requirements of many cultures, countries, time periods and belief systems
1 - Multimedia container
2 - Information about multimedia objects
3 - References to Multimedia
4 - Grouping of multimedia in a container
Person (Individual)
1 - Data about persons
2 - Biological relations independent of family
3 - Non-biological, non-family relationships
4 - Sex-change individuals
Person Names
1 - Sorting on multiple given names and surnames
1 - Approximately known locations
2 - Recording of structured data about locations
3 - A place can be member of several place hierarchies
4 - Merging and/or splitting of places/locations
5 - Place identifiers
6 - Location to include address
1 - Data about miscellaneous entities
1 - Information, Source and Evidence Type
2 - Certainty Assessment (QUAY)
3 - Sourcing of child / parent relationships
4 - Length of citations
5 - Citations in notes
1 - Support for multiple birth, death characteristics
1 - Underlying syntax
3 - Content scope
4 - Extensibility by software companies
5 - User Extensibility of events and characteristics
6 - Define one way of doing a thing
7 - URIs (URLs) for external information
8 - Feature inheritance from previous event etc. types
9 - Define Event vs. Attribute
10 - No restrictions on item length or value
Test Suite
1 - Suite of test data
Text Handling
1 - Formatting mark-up for text
2 - No restriction on line length
3 - Footnotes/endnotes in notes (not citations)
4 - Semantic mark-up in text
1 - Timeline