A BetterGEDCOM Developers Meeting was held Monday, January 3 at 10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time.
16 members participated, as this was the limit of our GoToMeeting.com room. (Arrangements are in the works for larger meeting rooms for future meetings.)

Final agenda for this Developers Meeting
DearMYRTLEOK, everyone, I've gathered your comments and here we go with the official agenda for our meeting:

1. Agreement on how to vote. See GeneJ's notes below.
2. Agreement on basic aims of this "project”. See GeneJ's notes below.
3. Agreement on methodology. Did not get to this.
4. Agreement on national vs. international. Did not get to this.
5. Agreement on initial time line. Did not get to this.
6. Agreement on meeting frequency. Agreed to every other monday meetings.

Notes from 3 Jan 2011 Meeting:
GENEJ will do her best to record notes from the discussion here. Feel free to make corrections.
Pat: AdrianB/Louis Kessler ... Adrian's quote, "We need some cat chow to urge the cats to come together."
Another party commented that sources, for example, could be very complex; also national vs international
Logistical issues are how do we agree, etc.
Tamura: Agenda item #3, should read "Method" (rather than Methodology)

1st Agenda Item:
How do we vote.

Screen: Voting possibilities: (a) Yes, (b) Yes I can live with it, (c) No I disagree
Much input on the topic of "who" should vote.

Adrian adds: Any member of the Wiki should be able to vote. Developers outside the Wiki should be able to review but not vote. That's the usual way of the world.
Tamura adds: Anyone who is present to vote is participating...
Item to be voted upon is put on the BetterGEDCOM wiki on a Monday. On the following Wednesday, the vote on that item is opened, remains open through that Friday, at which time the vote closes. Minimum 50% of eligible parties must vote for votes to be considered valid. If 75% of the valid votes are in favor (yes) or can live with it (yes, I can live with it), consensus will be deemed met; the issue is passed. We will try to design so those who vote are provided a short comment field.
Meeting consensus met with regard to the above topic.

Balance of meeting followed with consensus discussions about items 1-5 on the Goals. Please see that BetterGEDCOM GOALS PAGE and related discussion pages.
Meeting consensus reached to continue meetings every other week.