HOME > Member Profiles > brianjd


Country: USA
Time Zone: UTC-6 (CST)
Family History Information Standards Organisation (FHISO) member: No
My most frequently used genealogy software program is: Gramps

BetterGEDCOM affiliation:

Member of the wiki since 21 Nov 2010


Information Technology Consultant, part time genealogist and all around geek. I have 14 professional years experience in various computer platforms and have designed and implemented financial and transportation systems, transfer protocols and migrations. I have degrees in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. Part time inventor and engineer. My first program was a "compiler" written in GW-BASIC on my 1983 XT clone. I have been an amateur genealogist for more than 30 years, and seriously for the past 20, using mostly paper, Gramps, phpgedview and Open Office to record my results.


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